free videos

puppy videos

new puppy… now what?

For new puppy parents, this video is jam packed with awesome puppy tips to help you navigate puppyhood with ease! You’ll learn about:

  • crate training

  • house training

  • destructive chewing

  • puppy biting

  • socialization: what it is, why you need it, how to do it, and when to start

adolescent videos

puppyhood is over… now what?

Your puppy is growing up, and you had expected a calm adult dog. Surprise! After puppyhood comes adolescence - that crazy transition period in between puppyhood and adulthood. It’s a challenging time, and is the most common age for a dog to be rehomed and for owners to reach out for training help! This video will walk you through what to expect with your adolescent dog and is packed with great tips to help you navigate adolescence. You’ll learn about:

  • what even is adolescence

  • behavior changes

  • physical changes

  • hormonal changes

  • helpful tips and supplies to get you through it!


food matters

Diet is the foundation of a healthy, happy dog, and it’s important to make good choices for your dog. This video will walk you through what you need to know, including:

  • marketing tricks of big pet food companies

  • good ingredients

  • ingredients to avoid

  • how to read labels in both food and treats

  • how you can improve your dog’s diet with easy add-ins

  • what research shows about food and health