The Good Dog Program

1-1 Dog Training Just For You!

Life With A Reactive Dog Can Be Overwhelming

Every walk is a stressful event, filled with anxiety about when your dog will explosively react. Only walking at certain times of day, steering clear of other dogs/people, or even avoiding walks altogether—this becomes your routine. Visits to the vet, having guests over, or group activities with friends and family and their dogs all feel impossible. You simply can’t do the things other dog owners can do. It’s isolating and exhausting, affecting not only your dog’s life but yours too.


Imagine being able to walk your dog without fear or frustration, enjoying peaceful strolls, and feeling proud of your dog’s progress. With the Good Dog Program, this can become your reality. This comprehensive, one-on-one training program is designed specifically for reactive dogs, providing the long-term support and expert guidance you need to see lasting change.

Over the course of 5 months, you’ll get 10 personalized training sessions, consistent support between sessions, and a customized training plan to follow.

Ready to get started? Book a FREE call and we’ll figure out the best path forward for you and your dog!

Hi, I’m Carolyn!

My mission is to empower and guide you through your dog training journey with compassion and empathy.

The Good Dog Program

Bespoke Training

10 private training sessions over 5 months

Written Training Guides

Written training plans emailed after each session.

Ongoing Support

Text + email support between sessions.

Good Dog Starter Kit

Bespoke bag of quality training goodies (for in-person only)


Only $2499

What Would It Mean…

What would it mean to have your dog struggles gone? To have the dog you dreamed of? What would it mean if you could walk your dog without pulling—without barking and lunging? How would your life change if your dog could be trusted to behave appropriately?

Training is so more than just a purchase for your dog—it's an investment in your peace of mind and a stronger bond with your amazing dog. Even more - it’s an investment in your life together.

If you’re excited about starting, if you're feeling the pull to work with me, let's take that first step!

You and your dog will love the journey ahead.

Simply book a free call—we’ll chat and take it from there!

Are You Ready?

Are you ready to stop feeling frustrated and overwhelmed with your dog and enjoy life with them? Ready to start your life-changing training journey? I’m ready to help! Simply book a free call, and we’ll go from there!

What Spokane Dog Owners Are Saying

  • Carolyn, I can't thank you enough for your thoughtful training guidance. Even our vet was impressed at how much calmer and less aggressive Dante is. You really were such a blessing, and I appreciate the impact you've made for Dante and me. He's so much happier and less stressed, and I feel like I know how to work with him now. The written training plans were so helpful, and I really appreciate you being available between sessions to answer questions.

    Sara & Dante

  • We really thought about sending Stella back to the rescue because she was just so overwhelming - anxious and hyperactive, and we didn't know what to do with her. We booked a package with Carolyn, and it was so helpful. She was so empathetic to our situation and gave us so many helpful suggestions. While Stella is far from perfect, she's now a dog we can have as part of our family.

    The Crane Family & Stella

  • My corgi, Winston, was so reactive to new people. I couldn't have anyone over for fear he'd bite, and walking him was so embarrassing I just gave up. I was at my wit's end when I found you, and I'm so glad I did! Now I know how to help Winston stay calm when people come over, how to safely introduce him to new people, and we can go on walks again! We're both so happy that we worked with you!

    Meghan & Winston

  • With our schedules, we just couldn't make puppy class work, but we really wanted to get a good start to Tucker's training. It was so helpful having Carolyn come to our house and see Tucker's behavior at home with us. His puppy biting is so much better, he's using the dog door now, and he's doing great in his crate.

    Vincent, Melissa & Tucker