Carolyn Martell Carolyn Martell


“Thank you so much for the great training session! I love that you recapped and organized everything, and the attachments you included are awesome… I am so hopeful that we are on the right track now, and I can’t wait for class to start!”

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Carolyn Martell Carolyn Martell


“You gave me some great tips to get started with and I appreciate your followup email so I can refer back to all the info!!”

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Carolyn Martell Carolyn Martell


“Thank you so much for all your help! … We are so grateful for your work on helping us give her the best home she needs. You’re the best trainer!”

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Carolyn Martell Carolyn Martell

Bpo Bpo

“Our vet was very impressed with Bpo Bpo’s behavioral changes!”

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Carolyn Martell Carolyn Martell


“Thank you so much for all of the help with Bear! You’ve made such a tremendous difference! We can’t thank you enough!”

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Carolyn Martell Carolyn Martell


“Thank you! This has been so helpful! I wish I’d found you sooner.”

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Carolyn Martell Carolyn Martell


“Just wanted to say thank you again for all the help with training! He has come so far in training! You did an awesome job!“

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Carolyn Martell Carolyn Martell


“Carolyn, thank you so very much. You are a great trainer. I read your homework and I am so happy we met. I feel a lot better now with Grizz and can actually take her for walks and I know what to do. I always walked where not many people were around. Your knowledge is truly what I needed. Thank you so much!”

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Carolyn Martell Carolyn Martell


“Thanks so much for all the information you’ve given and for the thoughtfulness you’ve put into a plan that suits Bodie. We really enjoyed our time with you, and it has given us hope for Bodie, as we have been at such a place of desperation for him. You were our last hope for training, so we are glad we found you.“

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Carolyn Martell Carolyn Martell


“Fiona has been doing amazing! This last week we walked past a vacuuming man in the hall and we walked by construction workers outside without incident. She has been making a lot of improvements. Thank you so much for all your help!!”

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Carolyn Martell Carolyn Martell

Nala & Milo

“Easy to follow directions and got a good understanding of their triggers and how to work on that and to work on commands. Very happy!”

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