Good Dog Class

Unleash Your Dog’s True Potential For Lasting Results

The Ultimate Class for Real-Life Results

Transform Your Dog’s Behavior—One Step at a Time

Are you struggling to get your dog to behave, no matter how many times you try? Whether you’re dealing with an adolescent dog’s newfound energy, or simply haven’t had formal training before, it can feel overwhelming when your dog pulls on leash, ignores you, or jumps all over people. You deserve a well-behaved dog that listens, whether you’re at home or out in public.

The Good Dog Class is here to help. Over 12 weeks, we’ll dive into essential skills like sit, stay, come when called, leash manners, and polite greetings. Each week, you’ll actively work with your dog, practicing real-life solutions to common challenges while receiving direct feedback in a small, hands-on group setting.

What makes this class different? With a maximum of 4 dogs, you’ll get the individual support and attention you need. No rushing, no confusion—just steady progress as you build a strong foundation that lasts. We don’t stop at the basics; we ensure you leave with skills that stick, so you can enjoy life with a well-behaved dog, without needing to enroll in endless courses.

Ready to see real change? Sign up now and turn those daily frustrations into proud moments with your dog!

The Details

This jam-packed 12-week class will cover:

  • loose leash walking

  • come when called

  • stay

  • leave it

  • settle

  • drop it

  • middle

  • jumping up on people

WHERE: Prairie Dog Pet Mercantile at 5608 S Regal

WHEN: Sundays, 2-3 pm

STARTS: November 17


What Makes Good Dog Class Different?

So glad you’re curious! Many people tell me how much they prefer this class over others they’ve tried. Here’s what makes it stand out:

  • Hands-On Training: Get ready to dive in—this class is all about action. Instead of just listening, you’ll actively work with your dog, receiving personalized help and guidance every step of the way.

  • Intimate Class Size: With a limit of just 4 dogs, the class is kept small and stress-free. This ensures you and your dog get the focused attention needed to make real progress.

  • Practical, Real-Life Skills: The goal is for you to walk away with techniques and knowledge that you can immediately apply to your everyday life with your dog.

  • A Fresh Approach: Experience a unique and effective take on dog training that’s proven to get results.

Frequently Asked Questions About Class

  • Good Dog Classes won’t be suitable for dogs with aggression or reactivity. We do not address these behaviors in class, reactivity tends to be very disruptive, and you'll have a hard time getting anything out of class if your dog is constantly barking. For safety, dogs who are aggressive and a bite risk to dogs and people are not permitted in class. Check out 1-1 training or the Reactive Dog Class.

  • Many owners come to me after doing classes elsewhere. Some of the stuff may be familiar to you, so just consider it good practice! You'll still learn new things, and if you're worried you'll be bored, you can always consider 1-1 training instead!

  • I’ll demo new skills to train and then we’ll practice right then and there where you can get help. Each class will have time for questions, time for hands-on help with your dog, and then you’ll go home and practice all week so you can come back the following week ready to grow that skill!

  • Because we’ve saved this spot in our small class just for you, we do not offer refunds for cancellations.

  • Unfortunately, no.

    Please try to prioritize classes so you can get the most out of it! Classes will all build on each other, so you may fall behind with a missed class.

    If you know you'll miss a class, you have the option to schedule a paid 1-1 session to make up what you've missed.

  • Yes!

    Children are welcome to attend class as long as they can sit quietly and behave appropriately. Children under 15 can work with the dog but an adult must be holding the leash.

What Dog Owners Are Saying About Classes

  • My new rescue dog had no training at all, and we loved him, but he was such a pain to live with. We hated walking him, and he constantly jumped on us. After just the Level 1 class, we learned a ton, and he was so much better. We look forward to continuing with classes!

    Jennifer & Cooper

  • I learned so much more in just one week of class with Carolyn than I did in months of class with another trainer. Carolyn is so patient and has been a huge help in our training.

    Abby & Bailey

  • I honestly can't believe the difference in Koda in just a few classes. He hardly pulls at all anymore, and it's so much easier to get his attention. Thank you so much!

    Dan & Koda

  • These classes are so fun! Hunter and I look forward to them every week and love learning all the new things. This has been so much more helpful than other classes we've been to.

    Chelsey & Hunter